For years I have been frustrated because I could never find the correct calculator when I needed it. I swore that when we updated our website that the calculators would be plentiful and easy to find. I believe that we have been able to accomplish that with this extensive list of very helpful calculators.
- How should I allocate my assets?
- Compare taxable vs. tax-free investment return
- What is the value of a bond?
- What is the return on my real estate investment?
- What is the value of compound interest?
- What is the value of a call or put option?
- Taxable vs. tax-advantaged savings?
- What is my risk tolerance?
- What is the long-term impact of increased investment return?
- Certificate of deposit (CD) analyzer
- What is the dividend yield on a stock?
- How do expenses impact mutual fund returns?
- Certificate of deposit (CD) laddering strategy
- Share Certificate analyzer
- Share Certificate laddering strategy
- How much life insurance do I need?
- What is my life expectancy?
- What are my needs for burial and final expenses?
- How much disability income insurance do I need?
- What are the chances of becoming disabled?
- What are my long-term care insurance needs?
- How much will I earn in my lifetime?
- What are the tax advantages of an annuity?
- How long will my current life insurance proceeds last?
- What is the future value of an annuity?
- Which is better, comprehensive plan or high-deductible plan with HSA?
- Compare a taxable investment to a tax-deferred investment
- How much will I need to save for retirement?
- Are my current retirement savings sufficient?
- Life Expectancy Calculator
- Should I refinance my mortgage?
- Mortgage calculator
- Comparing mortgage terms (i.e. 15, 20, 30 year)
- Should I pay discount points for a lower interest rate?
- Should I rent or buy a home?
- Should I convert to a bi-weekly payment schedule?
- What are the tax savings generated by my mortgage?
- Which is better, fixed or adjustable-rate mortgage?
- Adjustable rate mortgage calculator
- How do closing costs impact the interest rate?
- Compare an interest-only vs. traditional mortgage
- How much can I borrow from my home equity (HELOC)?
- Loan Comparison Calculator
- What would my auto payments be?
- How much vehicle can I afford?
- Federal Tax Calculator